
Top Eleven Fictional Soul Mates

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      I have never been in love with anyone, I have preferred to remain in my home or walk around to keep myself slim and trim.  It probably has something to do with me being an autistic person (albeit, a high functioning autistic person), but some of it may be my own choices within this mental condition.  This has allowed me to look to the realm of fiction to find out which individuals I would fall in love with and get married to.  In other words, if I ever get popular enough to get shipped to any fictional characters at all, please let it be the characters on this list, it would be realistic personality-wise.  I would want the conflict to be adjusting to a new life since there will be several members of royalty on this list.
      I am judging these characters on personality alone.  Looks can get my attention, but they can’t last a lifetime.  I would probably fall in love with a person who is smart, has common sense, is relatively athletic, and has the mindset to see the two of us as equals which I could return.  Time to start this list of my Top Eleven Fictional Soul Mates.  Why top eleven?  Because that’s as many as I got. First however, is an honorable mention.

Honorable Mention

      I’d like to start off with an entry that will likely make Trackforce not only angry, but will likely make him seriously reconsider watching me.  However, this is an honest list, and if I’m going to lose a watcher in the process, so be it.  Just know that if you’re upset enough about my opinions to pull out of being one of my watchers, I’m not stopping you.
      HM Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians):… Before you ask, no I don’t think marrying him would be a good idea.  However, the relationship I would want with this teenage spirit of Winter is altogether different.  I do like the idea of a whirlwind summer romance and Jack Frost seems like a fun sort of guy to briefly fall in love with and have him leave me with a lot of good memories.  He has all sorts of Winter magic at his disposal and is very much fun loving.  I also hope some of that magic make me temporarily impervious to cold weather because I do not like wearing heavy clothing (I pride myself in being a man who’s as light as the breeze).  If it’s any consolation to Trackforce, at least he isn’t on the actual list. Speaking of which, let’s get into that list.

Number Eleven

      A game that has so much fast-paced sidescrolling shooter action like Metal Slug is the last place one would expect to find a significant other.  This girl also comes from Italy, and the culture of that country means that catcalling is a regular occurrence and even more pressure is put on how women look there than how they look in the United States.  That country needs a good female role model, badly.
      #11 Fio Germi (Metal Slug): Fio Germi (Metal Slug) Here’s a woman I like more because of what is implied of here than what is said.  Fio was born to a wealthy Italian military family and her mother was unable to bear any more children making Fio her family’s first female heir.  As family tradition, she went off to join the military.  Maybe this is just an American thing, but most soldiers in the United States are from poor or middle class families.  The rich don’t tend to join their US military.  She has also studied chiropractics and acupuncture and wants to become a sports doctor in the future.  Career women are fine with me and she’s not the only one on this list.

Number Ten

      Snow White has often gotten a lot of flak from feminists for not having any ambition outside of being a wife and a mother.  I’m not much of a Snow White fan, but I feel I must defend her.  Being a mother is actually very hard work with the housekeeping and the child-care.  One of the reasons that women have taken so long to gain equal rights and equal respect is because housekeeping was once a 24 hour job.  Now while I do disagree with Snow White getting married at the age of 14, and I’m not a fan of girly girls, I’m not against mother characters and the two characters in the next entry are prime examples of why that is the case.
      #10 Mrs. Brisby/Toriel (The Secret of NIMH/Undertale):… Toriel I put both of them in one spot because they’re both good mothers.  Mrs. Brisby is a mouse who wants her children to be safe and goes out of her way to make sure this is the case.  She ran away from a cat, faces a great owl (owls eat mice), goes into a society of technologically advanced mice and rats, escapes from the captivity of the human family she lives near, and is scared out of her mind the whole time.  However, she is more scared for her children than she is for herself and her son Timmy is in no shape to move off the farm (if she doesn’t, her house in a brick will be destroyed by a plow).  Toriel is an anthropomorphic goat woman who coddles you throughout the ruins (the first area of Undertale and treats the player as her son or daughter.  She wants you to stay at her house, but to continue the game, you have to move on.  When you ask to leave, she dodges the question at first, but then tries to prevent from leaving with her fire magic.  If you can figure out that she doesn’t want to kill you (as her attacks will intentionally miss when your health gets low enough) and stay alive long enough, Toriel realizes you won’t be happy staying with her and you get a bittersweet goodbye.  As it turns out later, she divorced her old husband King Asgore after he vowed to attack humans for their souls to free monsters from their imprisonment under Mount Ebbot.  It’s left up in the air whether or not she forgives Asgore at the end.  Both Mrs. Brisby and Toriel are characters dedicated to their children and are willing to go out of their ways to help them.  That’s why they share a spot on this list.

Number Nine

       Toriel isn’t the only Undertale character on this list.  I’m not so sure about Muffet, but I know Undyne is too wild for my tastes.  She just seems like all brawn and no brains.  I like smart women, and this woman is the first genius character on this list
       #9 Dr. Alphys (Undertale):…  First of all, she has an interest in Anime and resembles an anthropomorphic dinosaur and/or lizard of some sort (Gaijin Goombah thinks she’s a Drake).  Dr. Alphys is a genius who created a robotic body for a ghost and upgrades you character’s phone to not only send and receive texts, but also activate a jetpack and allow your soul to shoot Mettaton.  Her role as mission control seems very helpful with her hacking skills.  However, she acts really strangely throughout the Hotland and CORE, she seems to be overexcited at your victories and crediting herself a bit too much.  It isn’t until you get to Mettaton’s grand finale in which he reveals Dr. Alphys herself activated the puzzles and gave Mettaton his human hating personality.  She did this because of her anxiety following her experiments with determination.  In the past, Dr. Alphys tried to inject monsters with determination which caused the horrific result of monsters melting and fusing together.  Dr. Alphys went into a depression that she was still in during Undertale.  I can certainly understand having a dark and troubled past as well as being introverted, so if I were to get together with Dr. Alphys, this pairing would make sense.  To be fair, it is implied that she and Undyne (who is essentially an Anime character) are implied to get married at some point after the events of Undertale.  Of course, I can tell Dr. Alphys is bisexual due to her also having a crush on Asgore.

Number Eight

      I have said for years that girls need good role models to go along with relatable characters.  A man who has said this for decades is anime director Hayao Miyazaki.  Most people here in the United States would have no idea who he is, but he is seen as a visionary of animation on par with Walt Disney himself in the rest of the world.  The man is a staunch feminist with females having the starring role in six of the ten movies he has directed for Studio Ghibli.  I have two of his women on this list.  Here is the first one.
      #8 Kiki (Kiki’s Delivery Service):…  A woman who is able to run her own business in 50’s era Europe (albeit, a version where World War II didn’t happen) has already earned my respect.  As you might guess, she is a girl who wants to be independent and has a lot of pride in that ability.  She is also a witch whose special talent is to ride on her broomstick and uses that ability to deliver packages.  She does have a girly side as she contemplates buying a fancy dress early in the film and wants to go to a party. While it’s strongly hinted at that Tombo will be her boyfriend at some point, this is a personality based list.  Needless to say, I would like to marry a woman like Kiki.

Number Seven

      You may have noticed at this point that I have not been using gender terminology.  There is a reason for that.  While I am a man who knows he is attracted to women, I sometimes see a man who I am sexually attracted to.  I don’t know if this actually means I’m bisexual or if it’s just an example of Stupid Sexy Flanders (link in the description).  To leave open the possibility of being bisexual, I have included a male characters on this list, and he, like Jack Frost, happens to be the targets of fangirl affection.
      #7 Tadashi Hamada (Big Hero 6):… Homosexual fictional love interests have to fulfill the same personality criteria as heterosexual fictional love interests.  Tadashi fulfills them effortlessly.  Not only is he a genius, but he is also a responsible man who encouraged his little brother Hiro to think outside the box.  As someone who is a big brother himself, I can understand his position with these things.  In addition, he is a great role model as he is also kind and hard-working (as revealed with the footage of him working on Babymax) Unfortunately, Tadashi died while finding a new way to be hot.  Also, he would probably be either number three or two had he been female.  As is, he is still the type of guy I would like to marry if it turned out I was bisexual.

Number Six

      Out of all of my entries on the list, I get the feeling that this is going to be the most controversial (Trackforce's reaction to my honorable mention notwithstanding).  It’s not that I’m unsure about this list, it’s just that I feel like I’m going to get flamed by the Hey Arnold fanbase just for including this character.  You’ll see why as we go along.
      #6 Olga Pataki (Hey Arnold, she’s on the left in the accompanying picture): sisterly bonding Originally, this entry would have been for Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.  However, due to the great critics for that show making their own entertaining videos about this show (most notably Silver Quill), I have found watching the show itself to be redundant.  I did watch Hey Arnold a lot as a kid and as an adult, I actually kind of identify with Olga’s situation.  She is built up as a perfect big sister, kind, extremely intelligent (to the point of being the valedictorian in her high school class), and good at playing the piano.  However, she does feel plenty of pressure to be perfect all the time and I get the feeling she beats herself up anytime she messes.  I can certainly relate to that feeling. However, all of these facts dance around one very important issue.  One of the main characters in Hey Arnold is Olga’s little sister Helga (who is on the right in the accompanying picture, also Olga only appears in person three times in the 185 episodes of Hey Arnold). Unfortunately, it also appears that the Patakis are dysfunctional as their mother is a drunk (which is hidden from children through smoothies) and both parents play favorites with their daughters.  If you don’t believe me, here is an actual scene from the episode Helga on the Couch as the titular character remembers her parents on the first day of school.  I swear, I didn’t change any of this dialogue.
(Olga is playing the piano, as Helga walks in to get a ride to school)
Miriam (their mother): That was wonderful honey.
Bob (their father): You’re a stinkin’ genius.
Helga: Daddy, who’s gonna take me to preschool?
Bob: Oh, yeah yeah yeah sure.  Come on, play us another one Olga.
Olga: I know, how about The Minute Waltz by Monsieur Frederic Chopin.
Miriam: Oh, I love that one
Bob: Yeah, you should hear her play (author’s note: I could not understand the next two words Bob says) Miriam.
Miriam: Can you believe Olga?  Concert pianist at 15, class Valedictorian
Bob: Plus, she’s won every spelling bee in the whole darn city, ha, makes me proud to be a Pataki
Helga: Hey!  Who’s taking me to preschool!
Bob: Yeah, uh, in a minute Olga
Helga: No, I’m Helga dad, Helga.
Bob: Whatever, go play outside.
Helga: I’m going to preschool.
Bob: Wow, one minute flat!  You’re amazing Olga!
Helga: (angerly) I’m going to preschool.
      So ignoring the obvious problem of not giving similar names to different children of yours (you could get them confused otherwise), this is a clear case of parental favoritism.  Helga implies that her parents did this sort of thing all the time which gave her a negative view of her sister which has likely rubbed off on the fans.  This is evident in the fact that anytime Olga tried to bond with Helga in the show, Helga just pushed her away.  I get the feeling that Olga wasn’t fully aware of what her sister was going through, and if she was, her feelings towards Helga are similar to Princess Celestia in Lullaby for a Princess (link in the description).  I kind of wish Olga could get a reconciliation arc with Helga.  She does come off as a sweet woman and someone who would be genuinely remorseful for what happened to Helga in her childhood.
      Although, maybe I’m just misrembering.  After all, it’s been a decade since the last time I watched an episode of Hey Arnold and TV Tropes says that Olga is a mast of Wangst (whiny angst).  Though given the pressure to be perfect in Olga’s life, her wangst as a very definite source.  Let’s just move on, this entry is long enough as is.

Number Five

      Remember when I said Hayao Miyazaki said girls needed good role models?  Well, the lead character of the first movie he directed for Studio Ghibli is probably the best representation of this idea, even if she isn’t the most interesting character he has made.
      #5 Nausicaa (Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind): Nausicaa in the forest I have a strange sort of admiration for Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.  I said before the movie was beautifully animated and had a huge scale.  The title character is a woman that I would like to marry.  While she is a princess and is a kind individual (like most of the rest of the citizens of the Valley of the wind, she knows how to fight when she needs to.  She’s also quite the leader (very likely the future queen of the Valley of the Wind) and it is likely that she would be the career person in our relationship.  That last one is a theme we will see very often on this list.  Nausicaa isn’t that interesting of a character (you might even call her a Mary Sue), but as a woman that I would like to marry, she’s got a lot of great qualities.

Number Four

       Sometimes you see a lesbian with a personality you like and say “I wish she was into men, because I’d be in love with her if she wasn’t a lesbian”.  Well, at least that’s something I would say anyway.
       #4 Pearl (Steven Universe):… Of all the Crystal Gems, Pearl is probably the one I can relate to best.  She’s intelligent, analytical, rail thin, doesn’t go outside of her home that often (except on missions to stop rogue gem monsters), and is quite uptight about everything.  Pearl is so intelligent, she built both a nearly functioning spaceship and a roughly 15-foot-tall robot both in a barn full of spare parts with no funding.  I would put her at #1 if her lifespan wasn’t so much longer than mine and if she could loosen up more than she actually can.

Number Three

       After last Valentine’s Day, I got a video game on Steam called Stardew Valley.  For a few months, I was really into that game. There was a certain charm to a game where you could farm, fish, go into the mines for treasure, and talk with the other local residents.  As of this writing, there are twelve eligible bachelors and bachelorettes you can marry.  However, from what I have seen, there is one that people gravitate to more than anyone else.
     #3 Abigail (Stardew Valley): Abigail She is the daughter of the General Store owner Pierre and is a gamer herself.  Not only does she have a Super Nintendo in her room, but whenever there’s a game for a holiday, she always participates.  During her ten heart event, she reveals that she wants a life of adventure, and if you marry her, she will get that sort of life.  Other traits of Abigail include the fact that she’s a drummer, her purple hair (the only such character on this list), and her affinity for eating rocks.  That last trait was originally a bug, but game creator Eric Barone noticed how popular this was and made it a part of her character in a later update.  The only thing stopping Abigail from contending for #1 is the fact that I don’t know how intelligent she is.

Number Two

      When I summed up my 16 favorite female characters, I could only include Elsa as an honorable mention because I liked her more for what she wasn’t than what she was.  That list was all about a character’s personality and accomplishments.  This list takes potential into account.
      #2 Elsa (Frozen):… Anna is a character that I do still find more interesting, Elsa is the type of character that I want to marry. From some supplemental material, I know that Elsa loves mathematics and geometry which explains how she built her ice castle in Let it Go.  Being the heir to her family’s throne, I suspect Elsa is intelligent in many other fields of study.  Since she became more confident by coming out of her shell, I hope she could teach me to come out of mine so I can be more social.  True, Elsa’s ice powers would take some getting used to (as someone who prefers warm weather) and I’m not sure if her powers were supposed to be a metaphor for Lesbianism, but I would like to marry someone who has Elsa’s personality.

Number One

      I cannot believe that my pick for number one on this list comes from a dating simulator with pornographic material.  Granted, I didn’t actually see any of the porn, but there was one personality I found who I can actually relate to.
      #1 Nikki Anne-Marie (HuniePop):… If there was one person that I had the most similarities to, it would probably be Nikki.  Before we go any further, I must state that this is only for Nikki’s portrayal in HuniePop, not HunieCam Studios. Like me, she is a nerdy introvert who enjoys gaming.  Like me, she doesn’t eat very healthy and yet still manages to be thin.  Although some of those trends represent more of a late-2000’s version of me (back then, I was more into video games and practically a stick), I think I would love her just the same.  I wonder if we could encourage each other to not be so shy.  I don’t think this relationship would work immediately, but if we were able to give it time, I think a romantic relationship between us would work.  As for Nikki’s changes in HunieCam Studios (in which she became an attention whore), they were likely the result of the events of HuniePop in which the player has been sent a fairy named Kyu to improve his non-existent love life and essentially make him a pimp.  I like to think if I got to that point, I would tell Kyu where to stick it and dedicate my love life entirely to Nikki.
      So are there any characters I could fall in love with based on what you have seen here?  Which character do you think sets up the best example for who you or I would find in a significant other?  Did I get any of my facts wrong (particularly regarding Olga and Jack Frost)? Let me know in the comments section.
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